Vanishing Plants - The Forum about extinct and endangered Plants
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Vanishing Plants - The Forum about extinct and endangered Plants
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Prehistoric Extinctions (all species between about 3.9 billion years ago until the Holocene ± 12.000 years ago)
General Discussion
Paleozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era
Recent (Holocene) Extinctions (Species that became extinct between ± 12.000 years ago until the present)
General Discussion
Extinct Plants in the IUCN redlist
Europe and Asia
Africa, South Atlantic Ocean Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
North America and Hawaii
Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands
Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea
Possible extinct plants in the IUCN redlist which are either classified as Data Deficient or as Critically Endangered
Europe and Asia
Africa, South Atlantic Ocean Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
North America and Hawaii
Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands
Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea
Extinct Plants not listed in the IUCN redlist
Europe and Asia
Africa, South Atlantic Ocean Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
North America and Hawaii
Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands
Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea
Extinct Cultivars
Formerly considered extinct plants
Plants extinct in the Wild
Plants extinct in the Wild
Imperiled Flora
General Discussion
Critically Endangered Plants
Caribbean Islands and Bermuda
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Endangered Plants
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Vulnerable Plants
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Near Threatened Plants
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Data Deficient
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Not listed in the IUCN redlist
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe and Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Rediscovered and Newly Discovered Plants
Rediscovered Plants
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe (Mainland) and the Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Newly Discovered Plants
Caribbean Islands
North America and Hawaii
Central America
South America
Europe (Mainland) and the Mediterranean Islands
Africa, South Atlantic Islands, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and Oceania
Nature Conservation, Botanical Gardens and Seedbanks
Nature Conservation
Conservation news from the media
Conservation Areas and National Parks
People and Organisations
Botanical Gardens, Arboretums, and Seedbanks
Seed Trading and Private Gardening
Alien Plants
Information Resources, Museums & Herbariums
Museums and Herbariums
Scientific articles and Reports
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